SwegonCooling and heating production

Air-cooled chillers and heat pumps

Air-cooled chillers and heat pumps

High efficiency outdoor chillers
Water-cooled chillers and heat pumps

Water-cooled chillers and heat pumps

High efficiency indoor chillers
Air source multifunction

Air source multifunction

Outdoor chillers with independent hydraulic heating and cooling circuit
IT cooling

IT cooling

Units for servers and data centers based on water and freon cooling systems
Remote source

Remote source

High efficiency condensers and dry coolers with wide power range
Water source multifunction

Water source multifunction

Indoor heat pumps, providing heating of the heat carrier, for the needs of the heating system
Packaged rooftops

Packaged rooftops

Outdoor units providing ventilation, heating and cooling of air for the needs of the air conditioning system

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8 (800) 550-61-21 (toll-free within Russia) or use the feedback form.
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